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David Smith for Arizona State Senate

District 7

David Needs Your Vote on September 10

If you are registered as Republican, Independent or minor party (Constitution, Reform, etc.) in Arizona District 7, we would appreciate your vote in the Arizona primary [Independents and minor party members can request to vote a Republican primary ballot in Arizona without changing their voter registration].

If you are new to District 7 or would like to change your voter registration so that you can vote for David, we can help.

Voting is easily done via mail-in ballot. We can help you obtain a mail-in ballot.

If you need help getting to the poll, we can help.

For more information, or for help in registering or voting, please contact David's campaign office at:

Postal Mail:
Smith for State Senate
4310 N. 75th St.
AZ 85251
e-Mail: smithfordist7@aol.com  

Phone: (480) 990-7500  

FAX: (480) 990-7860

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